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Annual Equipment Maintenance Notice (Some Power Outages Expected)

1. July 14 (Sun) 08:00-17:00 Power Outage

–  Affected areas: Engineering Building I, Instrument Center, General Building 2, Shuiyang Restaurant

2. August 2 (Fri) 08:00-17:00 Cleaning of the drinking water tanks

3. August 3 (Sat) 08:00-17:00 Cleaning of the cooling towers

Window type air conditioners will be out of service for one day

4. August 4 (Sun) 08:00-17:00 Power Outage

–  Campus-wide power maintenance (including Engineering Building I)

Note: Early completion of maintenance tasks will lead to an earlier restoration of water and power supply.


Energy-Saving Measures:

  1. When no one is in the lab or classroom, please ensure that air conditioning and lights are turned off.
  2. When leaving the lab, please turn off the computer power, except for servers or software programs that need to run for an extended period.
  3. Set the air conditioning temperature to 26-28 degrees Celsius (79-82 degrees Fahrenheit).
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