葉維彰 講座教授
姓名 |
♦ 葉維彰 |
職稱 |
♦ 講座教授 |
教師研究室 |
♦ R821 |
研究室電話 |
♦ (03)-5715131 #42443 |
最高學歷 |
♦ 美國德州大學工業工程博士 |
♦ |
諮詢時間 |
♦ Mon. 10:00 ~ 12:00 (請先e-mail預約) |
網頁 |
專長領域 |
♦ 網路可靠度 (Network Reliability) ♦ 優化問題 (Optimization) ♦ 機器/深度/強化學習 ♦ AOI ♦ AIOT |
Wei-Chang Yeh is currently a distinguished professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. from the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington. The majority of his current research and future work are focused around algorithms, including exact solution methods and soft computing to all kinds of network reliability problems and optimization problems (wireless sensor network, cloud computing, IoT, big data, energy), etc. He has published more than 300 research papers in highly ranked journals and conference papers and has been awarded the Outstanding Research Award twice, the Distinguished Scholars Research Project once, and an Overseas Research Fellowship twice by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan.
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