Journal Papers
- Tseng, P.-T., Tsai, P.-H., Lu, A., Hou, J.-L. and Tsai, H.-Y., 2017, "Field emission characteristic study on bristling few-layer graphite/diamond composite film," DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, Vol. 73. (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L. and Chu, Y.-Z., 2015, "Automatic questionnaire survey by using the collective message over the Internet," ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS, Vol. 29(4). (SCI)
- Trappey, AJC, Hou, J.-L. and Hiekata, K., 2015, "Collective intelligence modeling, analysis, and synthesis for innovative engineering decision making," ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS, Vol. 29(4). (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L. and Chen, Y.-J., 2015, "A conceptual model for text summarisation based on reader requirements," JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & THEORETICAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Vol. 27(3). (accepted). (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L. and Liao, C.-A., 2015, "Visualization of augmented reality for contextual content," Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering.
- Hou, J.-L. and Chang, W.-D., 2013, "Knowledge extraction using image features," International Journal of Electronic Business Management (accepted). (EI INSPECT & Cabell's Directory)
- Hou, J.-L. and Chen, Y.-J., 2013, "A customized text summarization model based on genetic algorithm," Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (accepted). (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L., Yang, S.-T. and Su, Y.-H., 2011, " Enhancing applicability of location-based service based on multiple service scenarios," International Journal of Production Economics (submitted). (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L., Yang, S.-T. and Chen, C.-Y., 2012, "An integrated model for scheduling and work assignment of logistics operations," Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (submitted). (SCI)
- Yang, S.-T., Hou, J.-L. and Hseu, B.-H., 2010, "A document classification model using principal component analysis," Cybernetics and Systems (submitted). (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L., Yang, S.-T. and Chung, P.-C., 2011, "A model for customized learning services based on intellectual behaviors of representative characters," Decision Support Systems (submitted). (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L. and Chen, Y.-L., 2009, "A temporal knowledge visualization approach to enhance knowledge reuse," Information Processing and Management (submitted). (SCI)
- Yang, S.-T. and Hou, J.-L., 2010, "An integrated business suggestion provision model for TSPs' salesmen," International Journal of Production Economics (submitted). (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L. and Pai, S.-T., 2008, "The market analysis of 3D design service applications in shoe and clothing industries," Journal of Information Management (submitted) (in Chinese). (TSSCI)
- Wu, Y.-J. and Hou, J.-L., 2009, "An integrated model for employee performance estimation and trend analysis of distribution centers," International Journal of Production Economics (submitted). (SCI)
- Tsai, A. W.-J. and Hou, J.-L., 2008, "A model for visual representation of motion knowledge," Computers in Industry (submitted). (SCI)
- Chou, S.-Y., Tsung, F. and Hou, J.-L., 2013, "Preface--Special issue on service science," International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 141, pp. 439. (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L., Cheng, H.-H. and Lin, H.-H., 2012, "RFID-enabled object relationship identification," Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 579, pp.416-426. (EI) (Invited Paper)
- Hou, J.-L., Yang, S.-T. and Chen, C.-Y., 2012, "An operator scheduling model for logistics service providers," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 544-558. (EI) (Invited Paper)
- Yang, S.-T., Hou, J.-L. and Chen, J.-Y., 2012, "A knowledge component extraction technology using figures and tables," Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (accepted). (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L. and Chen, Y.-J., 2012, "An optimization model for customized text summarization," International Journal of Reliability and Quality Performance, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 23-29. (Invited Paper)
- Hou, J.-L., Yang, S.-T. and Su, Y.-H., 2011, "A model for generating outputs for multiple location-based services," Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering-New Trends and Challenges, Vol. 3, Part 1, pp. 17-38. (Invited Paper)
- Hou, J.-L. and Chen, T.-G., 2011, "An RFID-based shopping service system for retailers," Journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 103-115. (SCI) (Invited Paper)
- Hou, J.-L., Wu, Y.-J. and Yang, Y.-J., 2010, "A model for storage arrangement and re-allocation for storage management operations," International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 369-390. (SCI) (Invited Book Chapter)
- Wu, Y.-J. and Hou, J.-L., 2010, "An employee performance estimation model for the logistics industry," Decision Support Systems, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 568-581. (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L., Yang, S.-T. and Wu, Y.-J., 2009, "A business information management model for identifying technology demands and potential customers of TSPs," Information Processing & Management (accepted). (SCI)
- Hou, J.-L., Wu, N. and Wu, Y.-J., 2009, "A job assignment model for conveyor aided picking system," Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 1254-1264. (SCI)(獲推薦刊登於國科會工程科技推展中心《工程科技推展電子刊》與《工程科技通訊》)
- Hou, J.-L. and Wu, Y.-J., 2009, "An automatic question answering and knowledge summarization approach for Q&A services," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 193-213. (SCI)(獲推薦石延平教授工程論文獎)
- Hou, J.-L. and Huang, C.-H., 2009, "Algorithms for determination of document authentication time and recommendation of document modification," Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 5992-6009. (SCI)
Conference Papers
- 許暐羚、侯建良,2013,"以研究者初始想法為基礎之問卷內容自動生成模式",中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會,屏東科技大學,一0二年十二月七日,Paper ID: TM14. (Session Chair)
- 駱孝倫、侯建良,2013,"以文件內容架構為基礎之評論文件價值評估模式",中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會,屏東科技大學,一0二年十二月七日,Paper ID: DM7. (Session Chair)(獲最佳論文獎)
- 廖婕安、侯建良,2013,"文件內容擴增實境之視覺化模式",中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會,屏東科技大學,一0二年十二月七日,Paper ID: OT28. (Session Chair)(獲最佳論文獎)
- 曾昱誠、林子訓、侯建良,2013,"工作績效差異與學習趨勢為基礎之員工工作能力評估模式",工業管理與資訊應用創新研討會,南臺科技大學,一0二年十一月一日,Paper ID: 114. (Session Chair) (獲論文競賽第一名)
- 廖元圳、萬又瑞、邱麗安、廖韋婷、侯建良,2013,"支援網路社群運作之文章推薦與文章推播模式",工業管理與資訊應用創新研討會,南臺科技大學,一0二年十一月一日,Paper ID: 110. (Session Chair)
- 邱佩秀、鄭景文、李先覲、侯建良,2013,"結構式商品規格與非結構式商品評論之關聯解析--以商品型錄與商品開箱文為例",工業管理與資訊應用創新研討會,南臺科技大學,一0二年十一月一日,Paper ID: 109. (Session Chair) (獲論文競賽佳作)
- Hou, J.-L. and Chen, Y.-J., 2013, "Development and application of optimization model for customized text summarization," The 2013 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Whistler, Canada, June 27-29, Paper ID: 148, pp. 246-250. (Program Committee; Session Co-chair;獲推薦發表於「ICAE」(SCI)專刊)
- 朱昱宗、侯建良,2012,"以既有網際網路訊息主動進行問卷回覆之模式," 中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會,大葉大學,一0 一年十二月十五日,D-22. (擔任論文審查委員、Session Chair)
- Chiang, Y.-M., Lin, Y.-C., Hou, J.-L. and Yang, S.-T., 2012, "Investigation of feature dimension reduction based GLCM/SVM for color filter defect classification," The 25th EURO Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-11, pp. 63. (Session Chair)
- Hou, J.-L., Lin, H.-L., Yang, S.-T. and Y.-M. Chiang, 2012, "A quantitative model for collective intelligence analysis," The 25th EURO Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-11, pp. 42. (Session Chair) (獲推薦發表於「JMSS」專刊)
- Lu, M.-Y., Lin, H.-L. and Hou, J.-L., 2012, " Using collective intelligence for opinion analysis and tendency determination," The 2012 16th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2012), Wuhan, China, May 23-25, Paper ID: 55, pp. 179-186. (Program Committee, Session Chair)
- 韓佳霖、侯建良,2012,"評論者特質與評價傾向關聯之解析及視覺化模式," 現代管理與創新學術研討會,明新科技大學,一0一年四月二十七日,Paper ID: D1. (獲推薦發表於「Minghsin Journal」專刊)
- 陳泳志、侯建良,2012,"以基因演算法為基礎之自動化文件摘要模式," 現代管理與創新學術研討會 ,明新科技大學,一0一年四月二十七日,Paper ID: B1.
- Hou, J.-L., Cheng, H.-H. and Lin, H.-L., 2011, " An RFID-based model for object relationship identification and guidance," International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing, Yilan, Taiwan, March 4-8, Paper ID: s0097.
- 韓佳霖、侯建良,2011,"評論者特質與評價傾向關聯之解析及視覺化模式," 中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會,明新科技大學,一00年十二月十日,Paper ID: 333. (擔任論文審查委員)
- 陳泳志、侯建良,2011,"以基因演算法為基礎之自動化文件摘要模式," 中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會,明新科技大學,一00年十二月十日,Paper ID: 324. (榮獲優良論文獎,擔任論文審查委員)
- 侯建良、陸明怡、翁明偉,2011,"以群眾智慧觀念為基礎之群體意見結論推論模式," 產業資訊應用趨勢論文研討會暨個案競賽,明志科技大學,一00年十月二十八日.
- 陸明怡、侯建良、翁明偉,2011,"以群眾智慧觀念為基礎之群體意見結論推論模式," 提升學習生產力研討會,國立臺北科技大學,一00年十月二十二日. (論文獎金牌獎)
- Hou, J.-L., Yang, S.-T. and Su, Y.-H., 2011, "A model for generating outputs for multiple location-based services," Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering, Poznan, Poland, July 6-8, Paper ID: 11, pp. 17-38. (Session Chair)
- 陸明怡、侯建良,2011,"以群眾智慧觀念為基礎之群體意見結論推論模式," 第六屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會,國立臺中技術學院,一00年五月六日,Paper ID: B71070. (獲選論文獎)(擔任論文審查委員)
- 陸明怡、侯建良,2010,"以群眾智慧觀念為基礎之群體意見結論推論模式," 工業工程與管理年會暨學術研討會,南台科技大學,九十九年十二月二十五日,Paper ID: 412. (榮獲論文獎佳作)(擔任評論人)
- Hou, J.-L., Yang, S.-T. and Chung, P.-C., 2010, "A model for customized learning services based on intellectual behaviors of representative characters," MCP-Asia Pacific 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, December 6-9, Paper ID: 29.
- 鍾佩潔、侯建良、楊士霆、陸明怡,2010,"以代表性學習履歷為基礎之個人化學習建議推論模式," 提升學習生產力研討會,台北科技大學,九十九年十月二十三日,Paper ID: 20101009202952, pp. 57. (獲論文發表銅牌獎)
- Yang, S.-T., Hou, J.-L., Chen, Y.-L. and Pi, W.-N., 2010, "Visualization and representation of temporal knowledge," EURO XXIV 2010 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-14, pp. 199. (獲推薦發表於「China-USA Business Review」)
- 蘇育萱、侯建良,2009,"多元化適地性服務輸出推論模式," 中國工業工程學會98年度年會暨學術研討會,逢甲大學,九十八年十二月十二日,Paper ID: SE4. (Session Chair)(獲論文競賽佳作)
- 鍾佩潔、侯建良,2009,"以代表性學習履歷為基礎之個人化學習建議推論模式," 中國工業工程學會98年度年會暨學術研討會,逢甲大學,九十八年十二月十二日,Paper ID: CI11. (Session Chair)
- 梁雁惠、侯建良,2009,"以RFID標籤為基礎識別資訊延伸系統," 中國工業工程學會98年度年會暨學術研討會,逢甲大學,九十八年十二月十二日,Paper ID: SE4. (Session Chair)
- 吳友仁、侯建良,2009,"支援物流中心作業現場之改善活動成效分析模式," 中國工業工程學會98年度年會暨學術研討會,逢甲大學,九十八年十二月十二日,Paper ID: LI3. (Session Chair) (入圍論文競賽)
- Wu, Y.-J. and Hou, J.-L., 2009, "An integrated model for employee performance estimation and trend analysis of distribution centers," Management International Conference, Sousse, Tunisia, November 25-28. (獲推薦發表於「Journal of US-China Public Administration」)
- 鄭秀卉、侯建良,2009,"以RFID技術為基礎之物件關係探索與導引模式," 台灣作業研究學會2009年學術研討會暨年會,元培科技大學,九十八年十一月五日,Paper ID: 78. (碩士論文獎佳作)
- 張偉達、侯建良,2009,"以影像特徵為基之圖片知識搜尋技術," 台灣作業研究學會2009年學術研討會暨年會,元培科技大學,九十八年十一月五日,Paper ID: 77. (碩士論文獎佳作)
- 李靜玟、侯建良,2009,"提升知識再利用效能之聲音知識語音化," 台灣作業研究學會2009年學術研討會暨年會,元培科技大學,九十八年十一月五日,Paper ID: 41. (碩士論文獎佳作)
- 吳友仁、侯建良,2009,"支援物流中心人員與作業管理之工作績效推估與趨勢分析整合模式," 台灣作業研究學會2009年學術研討會暨年會,元培科技大學,九十八年十一月五日,Paper ID: 5. (博士論文獎佳作)
- Hou, J.-L. and Chen, T.-G., 2009, "A business model for potential customers identification and personalized knowledge provision of TSPs," ASME 2009 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A., October 4-7, Paper ID: MSEC2009-84305 (accepted). (Session Co-organizer;獲推薦發表於「JAEI」(SCI)專刊)
- Yang, S.-T. and Hou, J.-L., 2009, "A business model for potential customers identification and personalized knowledge provision of TSPs," The 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moscow, Russian, June 3-5, Paper ID: 304, pp. 660-665.
- Hou, J.-L. and Yang, Y.-J., 2009, "A model for storage arrangement and re-allocation," The 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moscow, Russian, June 3-5, Paper ID: 30, pp. 1000-1005.
- Hou, J.-L., Trappey, A. and Wen, U.-P., 2009, "Enterprise Logistics and Electronic Business Center (ELEBC)--A resource center for interdisciplinary e-business, supply chain logistic management and RFID education," Proceedings of APEEC 2009, The ASME Asia-Pacific Engineering Education Congress, April 9-11, Taipei, Paper ID: 10020.
- 鄭秀卉、侯建良、董正玫,2009," RFID新世界--以RFID為基礎之物件關係探索技術與模式," 2009兩岸三地RFID科技暨產業應用研討會,台北科技大學,九十八年一月八日、九日,Paper ID: 73.
- 陳亭君、侯建良、董正玫,2009," RFID技術為基礎之長期照護管理系統開發," 2009兩岸三地RFID科技暨產業應用研討會,台北科技大學,九十八年一月八日、九日,Paper ID: 72.
- 陳亭君、侯建良、董正玫,2009,"以RFID技術為基礎之賣場購物協助服務系統," 2009兩岸三地RFID科技暨產業應用研討會,台北科技大學,九十八年一月八日、九日,Paper ID: 71.
Books and Book Chapters
- Trappey, C. V., 2000, The Taiwan Electronic Market, 華泰文化事業公司 (Hwa-Tai Publishing Co.), Taipei(主要協編).
- 張瑞芬,電子商務管理與技術,華泰文化事業公司 (Hwa-Tai Publishing Co.),Taipei(主要協編)。
- 張瑞芬、姚銀河、侯建良、阮業春、江梓安、黃敬仁,2010,電子商務概論,華泰文化事業公司(Hwa-Tai Publishing Co.),Taipei,ISBN 978-957-609-793-5。
Hou, Jiang-Liang*; Chen, Yong-Jhih |