Research Projects (Professor Chien-Chi Chang)
主持人 Investigators |
計 畫 名 稱 Project Title |
合作單位 Sponsor |
執行期限 Duration |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
人因道路照明研究 Human Factors Road Lighting |
光林智能科技股份有限公司 |
2024.1-2024.12 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
使用光學頭戴式顯示器對於步態策略與注意力資源分配的影響 The Effect of Using Optical Head-Mounted Display on Gait Strategy and Attentional Resource Allocation |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) |
2023.8-2026.7 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
運用動態影像評估勞工抬舉作業下背負荷與驗證 |
勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所 |
2023.3-2023.11 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
編撰「流通服務智慧化案例」教案 |
財團法人工業技術研究院 Industrial Technology Research Institute |
2021.7-2022.11 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
建構動態及雙重任務下擴增實境之文字辨識與色彩判別資料庫 Developing the text legibility and color recognition databases for augmented reality display under dynamic and dual-tasking conditions |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
2021.8-2024.7 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
人工智慧人因作業影像評估系統之開發 Development of an Artificial Intelligence Image Evaluation System for Ergonomics Task Assessment |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) |
2020.8-2023.8 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
頭戴顯示器之資訊色彩組合設計與測試等1項 Head Mounted Display Information Color Combination Evaluation |
國家中山科學研究院 |
2020.9-2020.11 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
鍵盤聲音對於玩家偏好之影響研究 Effect of keyboard typing sounds on gamers’ preference |
Logitech Europe S.A. |
2020.7-2021.3 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
智慧商業服務應用案例彙編 Summary Reports of Intelligent Business Service Innovation and Application Cases |
工業技術研究院 |
2020.6-2020.11 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
便攜式智慧人因作業評估系統之建構 Development of an Advanced Portable Assessment System for Ergonomic Task Evaluation |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) |
2017.8 - 2020.7 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
擴增實境之顯示介面設計:光學頭戴式顯示器內中文字可辨識性與步態之評估與分析 Design of Augmented Reality Display Interfaces: The Investigation between the Legibility of Chinese Characters on Optical Head-Mounted Display and the Gait Adjustment |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) |
2018.8 - 2021.7 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
智慧商業服務 Smart Business Service |
社團法人中華民國管理科學學會 Chinese Management Association |
2018.6 - 2018.10 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
探討與睡眠相關之生物標誌及增加睡意之光配方 Biomarkers Related to Sleep and Light Recipes for Enhancing Sleepiness |
財團法人工業技術研究院 Industrial Technology Research Institute |
2018.1 - 2018.12 |
張堅琦 Chien-Chi Chang |
基於用戶偏好的遊戲鍵盤參數調查 Parameters of Gaming Keyboards By Preference of Their Users |
Logitech Europe S.A. |
2019.7 - 2020.3 |